Cultural Learning and Participation Officer

Cultural Learning and Participation Officers (CLPO) plan, organise and co-ordinate artistic and cultural education workshops, schedules of activity and community engagement projects that will vary in duration. The activities typically include teaching arts, culture and heritage subjects, creative workshops, visits, talks, performances, festivals, events and digital arts, using online content and social networks as appropriate. The activities are aimed at diverse audiences e.g. children, young people, vulnerable adults and local community groups (youth theatre groups or charities) to ensure they have a range of opportunities to access, create and benefit from artistic and cultural activities e.g. learning an instrument/improving communication skills.


At OAL we are constantly working hard to ensure that we surpass the expectations of the institutions we work with. We intend to support apprentices on the pathway to EPA in any way we can towards a successful outcome. We have adapted various support materials like the process map to the left to make EPA as straightforward as it can be for apprentices and centres alike.