Engineering Operative

Engineering Operatives are predominantly involved in engineering operations which are key to the success of the Manufacturing and Engineering sector a lowing employers to grow their business while developing a work force with the relevant skills and knowledge to enhance the sustain the sector. The role covers a wide range of common and job specific skills sets that can be transferred across the manufacturing engineering industry sectors during the course of their careers. Dependent on the sector that they are employed in there may be subtle differences in terms of composition and application of the job role specific skills and knowledge they will require, however the core skills and knowledge will be the same regardless of the sector/area they work in.

At OAL we are constantly working hard to ensure that we surpass the expectations of the institutions we work with. We intend to support apprentices on the pathway to EPA in any way we can towards a successful outcome. We have adapted various support materials like the process map to the left to make EPA as straightforward as it can be for apprentices and centres alike.