Learner Support Videos

What is EPA?

Our first learner support video developed in partnership with LearnBox covers a brief outline of what EPA is. Many apprentices can go through their apprenticeship without a clear understanding of what EPA is and what they can expect. This video aims to clarify the process. 

EPA Best Practice

This video covers all our recommended best practices for EPA. As EPA experts we’ve come across many experiences where errors leading to a negative EPA result or experience could have been avoided. By using the support provided apprentices can going into their EPA feeling confident and prepared. 

Role of the Independent Assessor

Ever wondered what an Independent Assessor is or why they are important? In our third learner support video we outline the duties an IA undertakes and what apprentices can expect from the IA as part of their EPA experience. 


Portfolios of evidence can be a crucial part of End Point Assessments. Apprentices can often misunderstand what is required in their portfolio and dilute the validity of content. This videos gives apprentices an understanding and what is important.

Reasonable Adjustments

Recent statistics have shown that a much larger percentage of apprentices could qualify for reasonable adjustments for their EPA. Many apprentices do not understand what reasonable adjustments are and what qualifies them for reasonable adjustments.