Safety, Health & Environment Technician (SHE)

The SHE Technician will be able to work in organisations of varying size and industry; the role could be based in one location or may involve travel across a range of contracts. The role will be partly office based and partly at the work front providing advice to others on how to work without harming themselves or others. The Technician will work with the management and delivery team
of the organisation to advise on the statutory health, safety and environmental requirements as they affect the company’s operations.
They will assist the management team in ensuring that the legal and company SHE requirements are implemented. On a daily basis the SHE Technician will assist to develop, review and check on the implementation of safe systems of work, deliver training (e.g. toolbox talks & inductions), investigate incidents, analyse data and present findings to the management team. The SHE Technician will engage with all aspects of the organisation to support the embedment of a culture that ensures everyone is able to return to their family and friends unharmed every day whilst also protecting and enhancing the global land, air and water resources for future generations. This will be achieved by inspiring and influencing others to see the benefit of working responsibly, understanding the legal framework and showing how safety, health and environmental management can enhance operational activities.

At OAL we are constantly working hard to ensure that we surpass the expectations of the institutions we work with. We intend to support apprentices on the pathway to EPA in any way we can towards a successful outcome. We have adapted various support materials like the process map to the left to make EPA as straightforward as it can be for apprentices and centres alike.